What Exercise is Right for You?


You know you need to exercise more, but you're stuck. Should you join a gym? Hit the local pool? What about an aerobics class? There are so many ways to exercise, and you just don't know which is right for you. So let's talk about some ways to choose.

Talk to your doctor

First, be safe. Some exercises aren't good for people who have certain medical conditions. So before starting any exercise plan, talk to your doctor and make sure you aren't putting yourself at risk. You'll be glad you did.

What do you want to accomplish?

Next, decide what you want to accomplish. Are you looking to improve endurance? Strength? Balance? Flexibility? Do you want to train for a marathon, or are you just looking to improve overall fitness? Different exercises have different benefits. For example, jogging helps endurance, but tai chi improves strength and balance. So decide what you want to work on, and then ask your doctor which exercises will help you meet your goals.

What do you like?

Then, make sure you pick something you enjoy. And think outside the box. If you hate walking, try a dance class. If you don't like the thought of exercising in a gym, maybe try stretch bands at home. The key is to pick an activity that doesn't feel like a chore to you. And if you can get a friend to join you, that's even better.


And finally, if you try something and decide you don't like it, don't get frustrated. Try something else. There are so many ways to get more activity in your life. With a little effort and some trial and error, you can find an exercise that's right for you.

Categories :
  • General Healthcare - Wellness - Health and Fitness
  • Wellness - Health and Fitness