What Does "LGBTQ" Mean?


LGBTQ is an acronym that stands for "lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and queer (or "questioning"). It's for people who aren't heterosexual. It's also for people who don't identify with the sex they were assigned at birth. Let's go through each letter to learn about those in the LGBTQ community.


"L" is for "lesbian." A lesbian is a woman who is attracted to other women. Some of these women may prefer to identify as "gay," or as "gay women."


"G" is for "gay." A person who is gay is attracted to people of the same sex. The word "gay" can be used for men and women.


"B" is for "bisexual" (or "bi"). These people can feel attracted to both men and women. The type of people they're attracted to may change over time.


"T" is for "transgender." These are people who feel the sex they were assigned at birth doesn't match the gender they feel they truly are inside.

Queer or Questioning

"Q" is for "queer" or "questioning." This is a broad label for sexual and gender minorities. A person who identifies as "queer" or "questioning" may also belong to one of the other groups. Or, they may feel like none of the other groups are a perfect fit.


For more info about the LGBTQ community, contact a local organization. For help with LGBTQ-related issues, talk to your healthcare provider. And, you can contact a local support group.

Categories :
  • General Healthcare - Sexuality and Gender
  • Mental Health - Sexuality and Gender