What Are Superfoods?


The foods we eat play a key role in our health. To stay mentally and physically fit, choose a diet of whole grains, fresh fruits and vegetables, lean proteins and healthy fats. And even among these healthy food choices, you should know that some foods stand out from the crowd. We call these "superfoods."

Defining superfoods

What does it take to be a superfood? Well, these foods tend to be packed with vitamins and minerals. They may be rich in things like antioxidants and flavonoids. These are molecules that help protect your cells. Many superfoods are also high in fiber, which aids digestion. And often, superfoods are lower in calories than other, less healthy food choices. Keep in mind that the term "superfood" is not an official food category, it's just what we call very healthy foods.


So, what are some examples of superfoods you can find at your local grocery store? In the produce section, choose avocados, beets, berries and dark leafy greens like spinach and kale. Pick up some fresh garlic and ginger, too. In the seafood section, choose salmon. In the dairy section, grab some yogurt. And as you work your way through the aisles, pick up some lentils, chia seeds, green tea and cinnamon. They're all good for your health.


While these choices are a great start, it's not a comprehensive list of superfoods. To learn more about these and other superfoods, talk to your doctor.

Categories :
  • General Healthcare - Wellness - Eating