Typhoid Fever


This is a bacterial infection. It's caused by the Salmonella typhi bacterium. It spreads easily between people.


How do you get typhoid fever? It usually happens in places that have poor sanitation. It spreads through an infected person's feces and urine. A person who has it can spread it if they don't wash their hands properly after using the toilet. It can spread to you if you have close contact with an infected person, or with things they touch. It can spread through food and water. And some people can carry the bacteria in their body for years, even if they don't have any signs of the disease.


Typhoid fever can cause a wide range of symptoms. It may begin with fever, abdominal pain and a general ill feeling. You may have severe diarrhea. And you may develop small red spots on your chest and abdomen. You can also have bloody stools, chills, and nosebleeds. You may feel weak and tired. And you may have mental problems like confusion and trouble paying attention.


Typhoid infections are treated with antibiotics and with fluids and salts to replace what you've lost. You may be given a solution to drink, or you may be given an I.V.


If you live in or plan to visit a place where you may come into contact with typhoid fever, take steps to prevent it. Ask your doctor to vaccinate you. Use only bottled or purified water for drinking and washing. Wash your hands often with soap and clean water. Make sure your food is thoroughly cooked and handled properly. Ask your doctor for more tips on typhoid fever prevention.

Categories :
  • General Healthcare - Infectious Diseases and Parasites - Conditions