The Benefits of Volunteering as a Senior


You're a senior, and you have more free time than you used to. You enjoy being active. You like helping others and being involved in your community. If this sounds like you, have you thought about volunteering? Let's learn about the benefits.

Expanding your social circle

First, when you volunteer, you'll likely meet some interesting people. You may make some great new friends. Expanding your social circle helps you cut down on the isolation many seniors feel.

Good for your brain

Next, volunteering is great for your brain. It lets you learn new skills and solve problems. It just keeps your brain more active in general. And volunteering helps fill your schedule in a constructive way. You may find that it gives you a new sense of purpose. It may make your life feel more meaningful. Together, all of these things nurture your brain as it ages. This may slow the progression of things like Alzheimer's disease and dementia.

Good for your body

And finally, volunteering is great for your body. It gets you up and out into the world. Depending on what type of volunteer work you do, you may find yourself doing more walking and standing. This helps keep you in shape. It can make you stronger. It may help your balance and coordination. This lowers your risk for falls and other injuries.


Volunteering is great way to improve your life while giving back to your community. If this interests you, ask about opportunities in your area.

Categories :
  • Geriatrics - Care and Management