The Benefits of Extra Virgin Olive Oil


Olive oil has been a kitchen staple for centuries. We cook with it. We drizzle it on salads, vegetables and bread. But did you know that olive oil – especially extra virgin olive oil – is good for your health? Let's take a moment to learn more.

How it's made

First, what is "extra virgin" olive oil? This oil, also called "EVOO," is the oil from the first pressing of olives. Regular olive oil is processed, refined and blended. EVOO isn't. That means it keeps all of its healthy ingredients.

Heart and blood vessels

So, how is it good for you? Well, extra virgin olive oil is high in good fats. These help lower your level of bad cholesterol. That's great for your blood vessels and heart. It lowers your risk for heart disease and stroke.


Extra virgin olive oil also contains polyphenols. These are antioxidants. They reduce inflammation. Chronic inflammation has been linked to many diseases. These include things like cancer, type 2 diabetes and arthritis. Polyphenols also help keep your brain working well. They may lower your risk for Alzheimer's disease and other brain issues.

Weight management

You should know that extra virgin olive oil is high in calories. But despite this, it can actually help with weight management. Why? The fats in this oil help you feel full and satisfied. So when you eat it, you may tend to eat fewer calories overall.


These are just a few of the many benefits of extra virgin olive oil. For more info, talk to your doctor.

Categories :
  • General Healthcare - Wellness - Eating
  • Wellness - Eating