

When your baby is about six to ten months old, their teeth begin to break through their gums. This can be uncomfortable for your baby. Let's take a moment to learn how you can help the teething process go smoothly.

Signs of teething

First, it's helpful to know the signs of teething. Often, you'll notice your baby drooling more than usual. They may chew on things. They may be irritable and cranky. Their gums may seem tender. And you may notice that their temperature is slightly higher than normal.

How to help your baby

So, how do you help your baby through this time? Soothe their sore gums by rubbing their gums with a clean finger. They may want to bite on your finger, because the pressure feels good on their gums. They may also enjoy chewing on a chilled teething ring or a chilled spoon. And, if your baby's doctor says it's OK, you may be able to give them infant pain medication. But always check with your pediatrician first.

How long does teething last?

How long does teething last? Most often, your baby's teeth come in in pairs. The lower front teeth tend to show up first. They're usually followed by the upper front teeth. You can expect to see a few new teeth each month. You should see all of their baby teeth by the time they're about three years old.


For more info about the teething process and how to help your baby during this time, talk to your pediatrician.

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  • Pediatrics - Conditions