Spider Veins


These tiny, squiggly veins are most often seen on the face and legs. They may be bright red or blue. Spider veins aren't harmful, but they can be embarrassing if you don't like the way they look.


What causes spider veins? Often, they develop because of a problem with the valves that keep blood moving through your veins. When these valves don't work well, they let blood flow backwards. This increases pressure in your veins and causes them to swell and be visible through your skin. Spider veins may also be linked to things like trauma, burns and radiation. Spider veins are more common in women. Things like pregnancy, being overweight, sitting or standing for long periods of time and getting older raise your risk for spider veins.


What are the symptoms? We see spider veins just under the skin's surface. They look like spider webs or tree branches. They don't cause the skin to bulge. Other than changing the look of your skin, spider veins don't usually cause any issues. But they may be a symptom of an underlying vein problem. If you do have an underlying condition, you may notice things like swelling and aching in your legs.


How do we treat spider veins? If you're unhappy with the way your spider veins look, we can shrink them with methods like sclerotherapy and laser treatment. You may benefit from things like compression stockings, exercise and weight control. Your doctor will create a plan that's right for you.

Categories :
  • Cosmetic Surgery - Conditions
  • Dermatology - Conditions
  • General Healthcare - Skin - Conditions
  • Podiatry - General - Conditions