Preparing Your Child for a CT Scan


Your child needs to have a CT scan. It's a simple, painless procedure, but it can be scary for kids. So let's learn about how to prepare them for the scan.

Tell them the basics

First, fill them in on the basics. Tell them a CT scan lets their doctor look inside their body. We do a CT scan with a big machine. They will lie on a special table that slides into an opening in the machine. The CT scanner won't touch them or hurt them in any way.

Find out the specifics of your child's scan

Keep in mind, CT scans are different for different children. Your child's scan could be very quick, and done while they are awake. If so, they will need to hold very still for the scan. Or, their scan could take longer, and they may need to be put to sleep. They may need to drink a contrast solution or get an injection of contrast dye before the scan. Talk to their doctor so you can let your child know what to expect.


And finally, let them know that you or another caregiver will be close by during their scan. You may be able to be in the room with them (although not if you are pregnant). For more information about your child's CT scan, talk to your child's doctor.

Categories :
  • Pediatrics - Care and Management