We all know regular exercise is good for the body. But did you know it's good for your brain, too? When you're feeling depressed or anxious, exercise is one of the things that can help you feel better. Let's learn more about that.
So, how does exercise improve mental health? When you exercise, your body releases powerful natural chemicals that affect your brain. These chemicals reduce anxiety. They help you feel calm and relaxed. And while you're focusing on exercise, your mind isn't thinking about other things that can cause stress and worry. Exercise gives your mind a break from negative thoughts.
There are other mental health benefits, too. Exercise has a way of bringing us into contact with other people. Maybe you like to run with a friend. Maybe you work out at a gym. Maybe you just say hello to the strangers you pass on a walking path. The social interaction we get from exercise improves our mood.
If you aren't happy with your body, exercise can help you get into shape. That gives you a boost of self-confidence. And if you're a person who tends to use alcohol or junk food to cope with stress, an exercise program can help you avoid those bad habits.
Exercise isn't the cure for all mental health issues, but it may help you feel better. If you're experiencing depression or anxiety, talk to your doctor to make sure you get the support you need.