Living With Narcolepsy



Trying to live with your narcolepsy can be hard. But don't lose hope. There are ways to manage it successfully. Here are some tips that can help.

Get enough sleep

First, make sure you're getting enough sleep at night. If you never feel rested, you may need to make time for more sleep at night. Keep your sleep schedule consistent. Make sure your bedroom is as quiet and as comfortable as it can be. Avoid caffeine in the afternoon, and make sure any wake-promoting medications you take aren't interfering with sleep at night.

Take naps

Take naps when you need them. If you're tired at the same time every day, make that your nap time. Fifteen to twenty minutes should make you feel refreshed. If you sleep longer, it can be much harder to wake up and get moving again.

Keep moving

Keep moving. When you sit for long periods, you can get sleepy. So break up your day with short walks and stretches.

Watch what you eat

Heavy meals, especially meals with a lot of carbohydrates, can make you feel sleepy. So you may want to eat smaller meals, and limit your carbs.

Know your triggers

If you experience cataplexy (a sudden loss of muscle control), try to figure out the triggers that cause it to happen. Often, it's linked to strong emotions. Laughter, excitement or stress can cause an attack. So try to avoid these, especially at critical times. Tell others about your condition so they can avoid doing things that may trigger an attack.


If you work with your doctor and follow your care plan, you can learn to manage your narcolepsy successfully.

Categories :
  • General Healthcare - Sleep Disorders - Care and Management
  • Mental Health - Care and Management