Limited Palmar Fasciectomy for Dupuytren'ss Contracture


This surgery treats a condition called "Dupuytren’s contracture." That's a thickening and tightening of the fascia (a tissue layer under the skin of your palm and fingers). This surgery improves your fingers' range of motion.


To begin, you're given medicine to make you feel relaxed and numb. You may be put to sleep. Then, we make one or more incisions in your palm to reach the fascia. There are a few ways to make these incisions. We choose the method that's right for you.

Fascia treated

Now, we treat the fascia. Your fascia may have lumps called "nodules." You may have bands of tissue that look like thick cords. We can break up these cords. We may remove some thickened tissue. This lets your fingers stretch out and move more naturally.

Skin graft

For some patients, we may also need to do a skin graft. That's when we take healthy skin from somewhere else on your body and use it to cover the wound on your hand.

End of procedure

When it's done, your skin is closed and bandaged. After a period of healing, physical therapy will help strengthen your hand. Follow your care plan for a safe recovery.

Categories :
  • Orthopedics - Hand - Care and Management