Legg-Calve-Perthes Disease (LCPD)


This disease most commonly affects children between the ages of four and eight. It involves the head of the femur. That's the bony ball that goes into the hip socket. With this disease, the bone of the femur's head begins to die.


What causes this disease? It happens when the head of the femur can't get enough blood. We don't know what reduces the blood supply. But without enough blood, the bone cells weaken and die. The femur's head becomes unstable. It can lose its round shape, which can lead to later problems. It can break easily. And when it's injured, it's slow to heal.


This disease causes pain and stiffness. It causes limping. And, it can cause a child to lose range motion in the hip. Usually, this disease only affects one hip. But in some children, both may have it, and they can be affected at different times.


Treatment options may include activity restriction, crutches, special leg casts, and physical therapy. Surgery may be needed. Your healthcare provider will create a care plan that's right for you.

Categories :
  • Orthopedics - Hip and Thigh - Conditions