Keeping Your Lungs Healthy


The health of your lungs plays a big role in your ability to enjoy an active, fulfilling life. Let's look at some ways you can keep your lungs in good shape.

Don't smoke or vape

First, don't smoke or vape. Tobacco smoke is terrible for lung health. It increases your risk for serious diseases like emphysema and lung cancer. And while many believe vaping is a safer alternative, we're still learning about how the chemicals in vaping solutions affect your lungs. To be safe, you need to avoid them. So if you smoke or vape, quit.

Avoid indoor air pollutants

Next, avoid bad air indoors. If you live with a smoker, ask them to smoke outside (or quit). If there are dangerous fumes or chemicals in your workplace, follow all the safety guidelines when you're near them. Wear a breathing mask if needed. Take care of mold problems in your home as soon as possible. And have your home checked for radon gas. That's a harmful gas that seeps up from cracks in the ground. You can install a system to remove it.

Pay attention to outdoor air quality

Be aware of outdoor air quality, too. Check air quality reports in your area. Avoid spending a lot of time outdoors on days when you can be exposed to things like pollen and smoke from forest fires. When the outdoor air quality is bad, wear a mask to protect yourself.

Exercise and healthy weight

And finally, focus on physical activity. Regular exercise is great for your lungs. It also helps you control your weight. Being overweight or obese raises your risk for problems like asthma and sleep apnea. So try to exercise every day if possible. For more tips, talk to your doctor.

Categories :
  • Pulmonology - Care and Management