Huntington's Disease (HD)


This disorder causes the death of cells in various parts of the brain. It's a progressive disease. That means it begins with mild symptoms, but gets worse over time. It leads to a wide range of serious issues that affect the mind and body.


What causes Huntington's disease? It's linked to a mutated gene you inherit from your parents. If you have the faulty gene, you will develop the disease. There are a few types of Huntington's disease. The most common type develops in adults who are in their thirties or forties. A less common type affects children and teens.


What are the symptoms? Huntington's disease causes problems with thinking and emotions. It can make it hard for you to think clearly and make good decisions. You may have trouble learning new things. It can lead to irritability, depression and changes in your personality. It affects movement, too. You may make jerking or twitching movements that you can't control. You may have trouble with walking and coordination. You may have problems with speaking and swallowing. Ask your doctor for a full list of symptoms.


How do we treat it? There is no cure for this disease. We can't slow it down or stop its progression. But we can treat some of the symptoms with medications. Your doctor will create a plan that's right for you.

Categories :
  • General Healthcare - Systemic and Genetic Disorders - Conditions
  • Neurological - Head - Conditions