The HipInsight™ system is the world’s first and only FDA cleared patient specific mixed reality (MR) guidance system for hip replacement. HipInsight provides surgeons with a three dimensional surgical plan and in-surgery 3D visualization – effectively X-ray vision – to help guide implant alignment that is tailored to the patient.
HipInsight can be used with any partial or total hip replacement surgery. Every patient’s anatomy and joint function is unique. HipInsight helps surgeons orient implants for each unique patient, which can reduce the likelihood of dislocation, wear and impingement.
Before the procedure, a CT scan of the patient’s pelvis allows surgeons to plan for mixed reality. The CT scan allows the surgeon to map the exact placement of the hip replacement components.
During surgery, a sensor is placed on the bony pelvis.
The surgeon wears a headset to view a holographic, 3D image of the patient’s anatomy based on the preoperative CT scan, superimposed on the patient. By displaying virtual information directly on the operating field, the surgeon keeps their eyes on the patient instead of looking away at computer screens or X-rays. The surgeon follows the trajectory of the images to place the components accurately.
After the procedure, instruments are removed and the openings are bandaged. Crutches or a walker assist the patient while the joint heals. Physical therapy may be recommended to help restore strength and mobility.
The HipInsight System enhances the accuracy of hip replacements by providing immediate feedback and visualizing the optimal angle for placement of implants. The accuracy of MR technology may also decrease the need for X-rays during surgery, reducing the amount of radiation exposure for patients and the surgical team.