Hepatitis A Vaccine


Hepatitis A is a liver disease caused by the hepatitis A virus. It spreads easily between people. This disease can be prevented with the hepatitis A vaccine.

How it Works

The vaccine is made from an inactive version of the virus. When it is injected, the body creates antibodies to fight the virus. Even after the virus is destroyed, this protection remains.

How it is Given

The vaccine is usually given as two injections six months apart. Children usually get the first dose when they are a year old.

Who Should Get the Vaccine

The vaccine should be given to all children. It should be given to lab workers who may come in contact with the virus. People who are traveling to countries where outbreaks are common should be vaccinated. People who have chronic liver disease should get the vaccine. So should people who have clotting-factor disorders. The vaccine is a good idea for men who have sex with other men, and for people who use illicit drugs.

Who Should Avoid or Postpone Vaccination

Some people should avoid or postpone a vaccination. People who have a severe reaction to the first dose should not get the second dose. Anyone who is sick should wait to get the vaccine. And pregnant women should ask a doctor if the vaccine is safe for them.

Categories :
  • General Healthcare - Infectious Diseases and Parasites - Immunization
  • Pediatrics - Care and Management