Healthy Living Tips for Your Child


The path to good health begins in childhood. Children who develop healthy habits early have a better chance of avoiding things like obesity and heart disease later in life. Here are some simple ways to improve your child's health.


First, watch what you feed your child. Try to give your child a balanced diet with plenty of whole grains, fresh fruits and vegetables. Choose lean proteins. Avoid processed meat and junk food. Interest your child in good nutrition by letting them help you plan healthy meals. Choose healthy, nutritious snacks. Give your child water instead of sweetened drinks. Don't use food (especially junk food) as a reward. Don't teach your child to "clean their plate." And, talk to your doctor about any nutritional supplements they may recommend for your child.


A healthy lifestyle also includes exercise. So encourage your child to get up and get moving every day. Limit TV, computer and video game time. Instead, make time for active play. Go outside. Take a walk to the park. Climb the jungle gym. Play ball. Ride bikes. Physical activity is fun for everyone.

Things to avoid

Don't forget that as a parent, your child watches you and learns from what you do. So if you want your child to learn healthy habits, you need to try your best to live a healthy lifestyle, too. Don't smoke, don't eat junk food, and be as active as you can be.


Finally, don't forget about the basics. Take your children to see the doctor and dentist regularly. For more health tips, talk to your doctor.

Categories :
  • General Healthcare - Wellness - Health and Fitness
  • Wellness - Health and Fitness