Epidural Anesthesia


This injection of anesthetic numbs your lower body. We commonly use it for surgeries in the pelvic area and the legs. We also use it to block the pain of childbirth. You'll be awake and alert during and after this injection.

Inserting the needle

To begin, you sit or lie on your side. We numb the skin and tissue of your lower back. Now, we guide a needle through this numbed tissue. It goes into the epidural space. That's a fluid-filled area around the nerves of your spine. The tip of the needle stops just outside the tissue that surrounds the nerves.

Placing the catheter

Often, we use a thin, flexible tube called a "catheter" to give you medicine as you need it. We guide the catheter through the needle and into the epidural space. Then we take out the needle, leaving the catheter in place.

Injecting the medicine

Now, we slowly inject the medicine. It bathes the nerves of your lower spine. It numbs these nerves and blocks pain. You can expect this numbness to last for a few hours.

After the procedure

When you don't need your epidural any more, we remove the catheter and bandage the site. Follow your care plan for a safe recovery.

Categories :
  • Anesthesiology - Surgical Care
  • General Healthcare - Medical Emergencies - Care and Management
  • Neurological - Peripheral - Surgical Care and Management
  • Neurological - Spine - Surgical Care and Management
  • OB/GYN - Gynecology - Care and Management
  • Orthopedics - Foot, Ankle and Lower Leg - Care and Management
  • Orthopedics - Knee - Care and Management
  • Orthopedics - Spine - Surgical Care and Management
  • Pain Management - General Body - Care and Management
  • Pain Management - Head, Neck and Spine - Care and Management
  • Podiatry - Ankle - Care and Management
  • Podiatry - Big Toe - Care and Management
  • Podiatry - Foot - Care and Management
  • Podiatry - General - Care and Management
  • Podiatry - Heel - Care and Management
  • Podiatry - Lesser Toes - Care and Management
  • Podiatry - Lower Leg - Care and Management