Dealing With the Stress of Self-Isolation


A virus is spreading in the community. You've been told to avoid others. You're staying home, but you feel lonely, stressed and anxious. Let's look at some simple ways to manage self-isolation.

Take care of your body

First, take care of your body. Try to eat healthy meals and snacks. Make sure you're getting enough sleep. Get some exercise every day. And throughout the day, stand up, stretch and take deep breaths to get your body moving.

Take breaks from bad news

Next, if bad news is overwhelming you, take a mental break. Don't read articles that upset you. Turn off the TV news. Unplug from social media if it helps. It's OK to focus on things other than pandemic news if that helps you.

Do things you enjoy

If you're feeling bored or restless, make an effort to do activities you enjoy. Learn to cook a new recipe. Put together a puzzle. Take a virtual art class. Spend some time learning a new skill. Even though you're isolated, think of this as an opportunity to do some things you might normally not have time to do.

Connect with others

And finally, try to connect with others regularly. Talk on the phone. Communicate on social media. Have a video chat. You may not have friends around, but you are not alone. Connecting is a great way for all of us to support each other. Together, we'll get through this.

Categories :
  • General Healthcare - Infectious Diseases and Parasites - COVID-19