Cord Blood Banking


When a baby is born, we cut the umbilical cord. It's the tube that connects the baby to the placenta. Blood in the umbilical cord has medical uses. We can collect and store it for future needs. We call this "cord blood banking."

How do we collect cord blood?

How do we get blood from the umbilical cord? After we clamp and cut the cord, we use a needle to collect the blood. This doesn't hurt you or your baby. The blood goes into a sterile container, which is frozen and stored.

Why bank cord blood?

Why is cord blood useful? It's rich with stem cells. These special cells can develop into many other types of cells in our bodies. Scientists use them for medical research. These cells play a role in the treatment of many disorders and diseases. For people with certain conditions, stem cells are lifesaving.

Two options

When you choose to have cord blood banked, you have a decision to make. You can pay to have it stored for your own family's needs. Or, you can donate it. Donating it won't cost you anything. Donated cord blood is used for medical research, and to treat others.

Is banking right for you?

Talk to your doctor to learn more about cord blood banking and to find out if it's right for you.

Categories :
  • General Healthcare - Heart, Blood and Blood Vessels - Care and Management
  • OB/GYN - Obstetrics
  • Pediatrics - Care and Management