Concussion in Children


This is a serious brain injury. It happens when the brain violently bumps back and forth in the skull. A concussion can affect the way the brain functions. It can cause permanent problems.


How can your kid get a concussion? Often, it's caused by a blow to the head. It can happen if your child's head or upper body is hit or shaken violently. This causes the brain to move back and forth. It bumps against the inside of the skull. This damages delicate tissue, and can cause bleeding. The bleeding then presses harmfully against the brain.


Concussions have a wide range of symptoms. When it happens, your child may briefly lose consciousness. They may feel confused and tired. They may have dizziness and nausea. They may hear a ringing sound in their ears. Your child may not always recognize how seriously they've been injured. Even a person with a mild concussion can develop other symptoms hours or even days later. These include things like memory and sleep problems, changes in mood, and sensitivity to light and noise.


Treatment depends on how badly your child is hurt. After a concussion, a doctor needs to see them so they can be evaluated and monitored. If they have swelling or bleeding in the brain, they'll need emergency care. Your doctor will create a care plan that's right for your child

Categories :
  • Pediatrics - Conditions