Common Wart


This small, rough skin growth most often forms on the fingers and hands. You may have one wart at first, but it can grow to form a cluster. A wart can also spread from one body part to another. Warts usually aren't harmful, but they can be embarrassing.


Why does a wart form? Common warts are linked to a few different forms of human papillomavirus (we say "HPV"). These viruses spread to you through things you touch. They can spread from skin-to-skin contact, or by objects you share with other people. The virus enters your body through a break in your skin, causing an infection. Your immune system may kill the virus quickly. But if it can't, a wart will form.


What are the symptoms? A common wart is a raised bump that feels rough to the touch. You may see tiny black dots on its surface. Warts usually aren't painful, but a wart may cause pain if it forms on a sensitive spot.


How do we treat a common wart? Your wart may go away on its own without treatment, but this can take a long time. So we often treat warts with a medicine that causes it to peel off in layers. If this doesn't work, your doctor can use another method, like freezing, laser treatment or cutting it away from your skin. Your doctor will create a plan that's right for you.

Categories :
  • Cosmetic Surgery - Conditions
  • Dermatology - Conditions
  • General Healthcare - Skin - Conditions