Colonoscopy Prep


Before you have a colonoscopy, you need to do some preparation. Why? A colonoscopy uses a camera to inspect your colon, and we want to make sure it has a clear view. So you need to clean out your colon. Let's learn about what you need to do to get ready for your procedure.

Different methods

First, know that there are different colonoscopy prep methods. Your doctor may have you order a prep kit that contains everything you need. Or, you may be given a list of things to buy on your own. Follow the instructions your doctor gives you.

Low-fiber diet

A typical prep begins three days before the procedure. This is when you switch to a low-fiber diet. This will limit the amount of waste in your colon. Your doctor will give you a full list of all the things you can and can't eat during this time.


On the day before your procedure, you'll switch to a clear liquid diet. And that afternoon or evening, you'll begin taking your laxative prep. This is typically a special drink that makes you poop. A lot. You can expect to spend plenty of time on the toilet as your body flushes this liquid through your bowels. The goal is to have you pooping only a clear, yellowish liquid by the time of your procedure.


On the day of your procedure, you may be told to get up early to take another dose of laxative. Follow your instructions for when to stop drinking before your procedure. It's important that you follow these instructions closely. If you don't, your exam will need to be rescheduled. For more info, talk to your doctor.

Categories :
  • Gastrointestinal - Care and Management