

When a healthy baby regularly cries intensely and for a long time, we call that "colic." It happens a lot, often in the evening. You can't figure out the reason for the crying, and nothing seems to soothe your baby. Colic isn't harmful for your baby, but it is stressful and upsetting for you.


What causes colic? Well, we don't know. We're studying a range of possible causes, like food allergies, migraines, anxiety and problems with the digestive system. Colic may be caused by a mix of many factors.


What are the signs of colic? Colic crying is intense, and you can't find a reason why. Your crying baby may have a reddened face and a stiff body. And even after the crying is over, your baby may be very fussy. Crying may happen at predictable times. We may say your baby has colic if your baby cries for at least three hours per day. This must happen for at least three days a week, and for at least three weeks.

Managing colic

Your doctor can suggest ways to soothe a baby with colic. Things like warm baths, white noise and back rubs may help. You may need to make some changes in your baby's diet, and change how you feed them. As you may know, a baby with colic is exhausting for parents. So remember to take care of yourself, too. For more information about colic, talk to your doctor.

Categories :
  • Pediatrics - Conditions