Antibiotic-Resistant Staph Infection


There is a strain of bacteria that can spread easily in hospitals and long-term care facilities. We call it “staph”. That’s short for "Staphylococcus aureus" bacteria. Antibiotics used to kill staph easily. But some types of staph have become resistant to antibiotics. They are hard to kill. If this bacteria infects you, it can cause all kinds of problems in your body. It can even kill you.


You can get staph if these germs touch your body. A doctor or nurse can spread it to you by touching you with dirty hands. You can get it during surgery. Staph can be inside IV tubes or other equipment. Also, some people carry staph in their noses. They may not look sick, but they can spread it to you.


If you get an infection, small red bumps may break out on your skin. They can form large sores. Staph can spread into your bloodstream. It can go to other parts of your body. It can travel to your joints. It can infect your heart or your lungs.


If you have an antibiotic-resistant infection, you need professional medical care. Sores on your skin can be drained. You may need very strong antibiotics that aren't used often. Your healthcare provider can create a care plan that is right for your needs.

Categories :
  • General Healthcare - Infectious Diseases and Parasites - Conditions
  • General Healthcare - Medical Emergencies - Conditions